Many smart appliance can only be controlled by the orinigal BLE remote. To control such appliance by your own smart home system, there need to be a way to replace the original BLE remote with something that is compatible with your smart home system.
It is easy to replace IR remote and capture the command code on air, but BLE remote and the appliance seems to have pre-shared keys, how to link to the appliance with your own BLE node such as ESP32 node and how to know the command formats? Is there some existing generic way to do such things?
Example 1, turn on/off BLE TV or switch HDMI channel of BLE TV at some given condition (e.g. some specific person is dothing some specific thing).
Example 2, some appliance (such as smart toilet) with builtin offline voice command recognition which is error prone, the idea is to use external camera and/or online speech recognition system and send BLE order to the appliance automatically on some condition.
Why not using appliance that is compatible with existing standard smart home system such as Alexa?
Reason 1: many applicance doesn't support such way and may only support a system that is not compatible with your system.
Reason 2: to protect privacy, one possibly better way is to build your own system with ESP32/fruit pies/PCs etc.