I've recently built a fully functional IoT GPS/GSM tracker with a Pi Zero for a college project and now that it's finished and done with, I would like to minimize the current draw of the entire system as two 2500mAh batteries can only power it for one to two days at most. However, I am still new to these devices and I would love some help regarding hardware changes and techniques.
My goal: A device capable of running python scripts that has a minimalist form factor (especially height) with lowest possible power draw.
My current setup uses:
- Raspberry Pi Zero
- Adafruit Fona 808 GPS & GSM
- Adafruit LSM303 Accelerometer & Magnetometer
I know about power-sipping Arduinos and MSP430's but I don't know if it is possible to do what I need it to do with these micro-controllers.
My questions are:
- How steep of a learning curve is there to go from Raspberry Pi to more bare-bones boards?
- Is it possible for these other boards to run GSM/GPS/Accelerometer concurrently?
- Are there any other modules that provide the same functionality but consume less power? (I cannot find specific power numbers for these modules)
- Will my current modules work with an MSP430 for example?
- Any recommendations/comments?