- 3g v Wifi Security
- Standard wifi v LoRaWan/LPWAN
- If I'm worried about a device that could send some personal information without my consent is unplugging it and returning it to the store the only solution.
3g v Wifi Security
It is possible to sniff 3G signals, e.g. , however of more concern might be ensuring the packets cannot be decrypted on the cloud receiver end, where they can be easily wiresharked. In order to avoid this a good device encryption level protocol could be used.
On the WiFi side, yes you can sniff more easily but again if the message is encrypted, it doesn't matter.
The AWS platform offers really strong security.
AWS IoT supports the following certificate-signing algorithms:
So using this security stack your data cannot be brute force sniffed at source as it would currently take billions of years. I am familiar with AWS but assume azure has a similar offering which of course you could implement separately.
In summary, the transport protocol does not matter. Take your security pick, (3G or wifi). If implemented properly both are secure assuming the hackers are not microscopically x-raying and modelling the silicon of your IoT device. Perhaps if you see someone in your house with a star trek type X-Ray machine it is time to worry?
Standard wifi v LoRaWan/LPWAN
Let's rate against SHA256withRSA
Each device is provisioned with a unique AES 128 key
To my knowledge AES 128 is un-crackable.
LPWAN is not a standard. It includes:
LoRa / SigFox/ WAVIoT NB-Fi. So you need to evaluate the security of each protocol falling under LPWAN. As we have seen LoRa is pretty secure.
If I'm worried..
I would suggest talk to the manufacturer first, see what data they collect, maybe it is harmless? If you are still suspicious and don't believe them and don't have access to the source code, then maybe it is time to return it.