Unfortunately, any Action that is intended to imitate Google Home system functionality is explicitly banned, and the API doesn't really facilitate doing that (not surprising, I suppose, that the API doesn't let you do something that Google doesn't want you to do!):
We don't allow actions that mimic or interfere with device or Assistant functionality. Examples of prohibited behaviour include:
- Using a voice for your action that mimics the Google Assistant's voice.
- Mimicking system notifications or warnings.
- Pretending to be Google or another Google action.
(Actions on Google: Policies for Actions on Google)
There is a fixed invocation pattern that Actions use to be invoked, generally. The image in their documentation explains most clearly:
Image from Actions on Google documentation; CC BY 3.0.
You can also use action phrases, such as ""hear a fun fact"
or "give me a 5 minute workout", but undoubtedly the Google Action takes precedence to yours.
As an aside, it appears you can override Alexa Skills in the way you're hoping.