Recently, I accidentally overwrote a bluetooth connection tag in a piece of technology. I have the bluetooth MAC address of the device, but after trying a few apps I cannot seem to find a way to write the tag. When using NFC Tools Pro, it gives me an error and tells me that I am unable to connect to the device. Does anyone know a way to copy over the correct address or to create a whole new tag that performs in the same way? (Pairs to the device when close by and unpairs when tapped again.)
1 Answer
I work with NFC tags. I'm not near my phone but I recall NXP TagWriter can clone. NXP also develops TagInfo. NXP is the semiconductor manufacturer that invented NFC tags with Sony. I'd start with their apps and they also have a support forum if neccessary.
If you want to clone but still need access to selectively edit the NDEF record or other data structures you'll need to use Java with an SDK or do the same and sharpen up your C# skills. Pun intended.
do you know of an app that will let me clone said data and edit it?
... that is a different question from your post ... as such, it does not belong here ... please post at