So I happen to know some python to turn lights on and off in rpi3. Also to automate my home I know how to use relay boards. But the problem is that I have one rpi3 and the light which I want to control is away from it. So radio seemed to be the next option. I am a newbie in this. How to replace a traditional on/off switch with with RF receiver which does certain actions when the rpi3 sends a particular single. I don't know how to setup this particular thing on the rpi3 side and the switch side. Please help me out here. So pls recommend the switch I should use
4you need to decide which switch you want to use before you can start thinking about programming the switch– jsotolaCommented Oct 16, 2019 at 4:19
@jsotola I don't understand what you just said– raghav_tinkerCommented Oct 16, 2019 at 4:24
Do you already have the switch, or do you want to buy one?– MawgCommented Oct 16, 2019 at 6:24
I have to buy one– raghav_tinkerCommented Oct 16, 2019 at 6:34
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1 Answer
There has been a lot going on with using MQTT in home automation. Check out the zigbee2mqtt project that allows you to control commercial home automation devices like the ikea TRÅDFRI Wireless control outlet with your own server.