I'm trying to build a device on AWS IoT platform with OTA updates. The device is based on Raspberry Pi (or similar), has half a dozen sensors, runs some inference on the collected data, and can perform actions: toggle one thing, notify someone, make a sound, etc. I'd also like to have a local HTTP server running to be able to interact with the device directly.
I was looking at AWS Greengrass Core. And conclusion that I'm coming to is if I go this route, I would be able to have OTA updates for Lambdas running as part of the "Core" but will have to burn in "thing(s)" that interact with sensors and other interfaces to be able to use device shadows functionality. Also, local HTTP server will have to be burned in as well, as I don't see a way to serve the app using local lambdas.
Is this assessment correct, or am I missing a piece of the puzzle (or two)?