To give some background, I created a WiFi IoT device using ESP 11E/F. I was doing basic stabilization using capacitors and resistors, and although some chips mostly were working okay, some chips (~50%) definitely faced random reboots quite frequently (~every 15-30 min). This led me to question if the bare bones stabilization circuit I was using was sufficient or not, and also if the ESP 8266 I was getting (It said AI Thinker) was correct.
So I started to check some chips like Wemos D1 mini and NodeMCU are what would provide better stabilization circuits.
I'm not doing any heavy lifting, basic API hits and keepalives and stuff using micropython firmware. Nothing that I'd call CPU intensive.
Are these chips stable? Can I rely on them and productionize the devices I'm making? How well are these chips being used (and if not, are there other ESP based boards in US$ 3-6 price range which are stable?).