I'm currently using thingsboard to manage and deliver IoT device configuration. The IoT device can access its own configuration with its own auth key. This is great. However, thingsboard is a quite a lot more than I need and the settings management is bit clunky. Does anyone know of an db builder that will allow me to set a per row access token that each IoT device can use to fetch it's own row of config data ? I've looking at budibuilder and airtable but I can't see to get them to allow the IoT devices access to their record.
Update : I've got a bare bones Anvil app that is kinda of working but creating the entire editing interface a serious pain. All of these other database application designers have all the editing built in but how do get them to serve individual iot device config data without authentication ?
, notrow
..... almost all database programs have a way of retrieving a single record