Planning a one off party event that involves turning mains lights on/off and then playing media on a PC connected screen.
It need not be very fast and doesn't need to use internet but WiFi is available if that route would be simpler/cheaper.
It is easy enough to source dump 433mhz remote controlled sockets and rig the remote to fire when needed. But I am unsure how to go about detecting the transmission from remote to the socket to play the media on the PC.
I imagine I would need some sort of USB transceiver but I haven't found any USB ones that I could drive under Linux. Most of the articles online use expansion boards for Pi or Arduino. I did find one article using a cheap USB dongle and others vaguely mentioning USB SDR radio.
I do have a USB to TTL Serial Converter that I use for flashing, could I buy a 433 transceiver and rig it up to that?
Alternatively I have a Wiimote lying around that could be rig up as the sensor and then use a WiFi plug that is accessible from Linux to turn on/off the lights?