I am setting up an Arduino to collect temperature and pressure data, and I want to broadcast that data via bluetooth.
My question boils down to what allocated UUID is best for my characteristic, and I think it would be great if that UUID specified the unit.
On BlueTooth Sig's website there is a pdf file with a bunch of 'allocated' UUIDs of which there is a column called 'Allocation Type' and under that column there are two categories of interest 'GATT Unit' and 'GATT Characteristic and Object Type'.
The UUID '2A6E' is a GATT Characteristic and Object Type and it appears to be what most people use to define a temperature characteristic.
The UUID '27AC' is a GATT Unit and it describes/allocated for 'thermodynamic temperature (degree Fahrenheit)'.
I am wondering if I can use a GATT Unit UUID to declare my characteristics so that I also get to convey the unit along with the data.
The pdf file showing all the different allocated UUIDs can be found here: https://btprodspecificationrefs.blob.core.windows.net/assigned-values/16-bit%20UUID%20Numbers%20Document.pdf