This is my first project and I'm getting my way around this.

I wanted to make a simple project using Arduino creating a web server, in order to turn on and off the AC.

I think I made a mistake buying ESP 32 cause I wanted Wifi functionality and didn't realised this is not a simple shield for arduino.

So what I got so far are:

1.Arduino Uno

  1. ESP 32
  2. Ir transmitter
  3. IR receiver

Guys can I still use the ESP32 with arduino? I understand I can use only ESP32 for this but unfortunately this project is for Arduino Course at my college and I'm afraid ESP32 wont be accepted as a project.

  • 1
    If I were asking this question I would do a quick web search for “ESP32 Arduino” and maybe ask my instructor if it could be accepted.
    – romkey
    Commented Mar 9, 2022 at 20:31
  • I'm afraid ESP32 wont be accepted as a project. ... what does this mean? ... do you not know if it will be accepted?
    – jsotola
    Commented Mar 11, 2022 at 3:13


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