I have bought 4 Philips Hue smart bulbs with an E14 socket.
I have tested each of the 4 Philips bulbs separately in a single socket fixture, and each bulb individually is working, detected by/connected to the Hue bridge and controllable.
On my living room ceiling I have a spot bar with 4 sockets.
Currently, it is equipped with plain LED bulbs and everything is working fine.
If I switch those plain LED bulbs for the smart ones, only one of them (from the direction I'm viewing it, the "leftmost" one) is working. If I switch the bulbs around, it is always the leftmost one that continues to be working, so the issue seems to be tied to the sockets, not to the bulbs.
I have also tried mixing plain and smart bulbs, to no avail.
Some examples of what I have tried:
plain - plain - plain - plain => glowing - glowing - glowing - glowing
smart - smart - smart - smart => glowing - dark - dark - dark
smart - plain - plain - plain => glowing - glowing - glowing - glowing
smart - plain - smart - smart => glowing - glowing - dark - dark
plain - smart - smart - smart => glowing - dark - dark - dark
empty - plain - plain - plain => dark - glowing - glowing - glowing
empty - smart - smart - smart => dark - dark - dark - dark
smart - empty - empty - empty => glowing - dark - dark - dark
empty - smart - empty - empty => dark - dark - dark - dark
empty - empty - smart - empty => dark - dark - dark - dark
empty - empty - empty - smart => dark - dark - dark - dark
I have a bit of experience with electric installations, but I cannot figure out what might possibly cause this weird effect. Is the wiring inside the spot lamp weird? But all the plain bulbs are working fine, aren't smart bulbs supposed to work in the same way and be fully compatible?
I'm out of ideas of what I could still try or how I can make all the bulbs work, so I'd be happy for your input.
If it is important, my location is Europe, so we're talking about 230V.