Yes, there are plenty of applications in the market already which do not rely on cloud services. The heirarchy of complexity which a user may choose to install with a specific product goes something like this:
- Device with dedicated remote control
- Device with phone app and in-house link node
- Node linked to cloud for user remote access by phone (tunneling and DNS resolution)
- Cloud provisioned service and database
Any one provider may address part of the chain. IFTTT for example only provides the cloud service and phone app - the services are all third-party.
Google's NEST thermostat should work fine stand-alone (even if it is an expensive implementation in that mode).
Security cameras fit various combinations of these models, depending if they rely on user subscription or one-off sale costs.
From a commercial point of view, there are two key points to dependance on cloud infrastructure. First is suitability for evaluation/partial installation (whilst keeping initial costs down), the 2nd is the ability to maintain limited service in the absence of backhaul (power-cut, etc).