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Questions tagged [authentication]

For questions about authentication (proving who you say you are). Use this tag for both humans authenticating to machines and machine-to-machine authentication.

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1 answer

Is there a simple database app builder that allows for single row access based on token in the row?

I'm currently using thingsboard to manage and deliver IoT device configuration. The IoT device can access its own configuration with its own auth key. This is great. However, thingsboard is a quite ...
tavis's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How to authenticate a device in the IoT platform?

I am building an IoT platform that should receive data from a Raspberry Pi over a REST API. Assuming the platform could in the future be used to manage multiple devices of multiple users, my question ...
kleka's user avatar
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0 answers

Problem getting Oauth to work with Ecobee

I am trying to get the Oauth to work with ecobee thermostat. I could get to the point where I get the user to the Oauth page, however, on clicking the "Accept" button, it takes me to https://...
rajendra's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How enrollment list in Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service isolate tenant specific configuration?

Some documentation and videos regarding Device Provisioning Service (DPS) says it can handle multitenancy but, it seem there is a confusion about how one tenant's configuration/data is isolated from ...
Yatin Gaikwad's user avatar
4 votes
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MOXA Modbus with Raspberry Pi – Can't get slave to work

I have two Moxa modbuses that I have daisy-chained together, and then connected to my network's ethernet port. The modbuses are hooked up to a control board with LED lights for the coils and buttons ...
user2868900's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

AWS IoT Authentication - Using own certificate not working

I'm trying to set up AWS IoT authentication with using my own certificate according to the docs. I've managed to register a CA, enabled it as well as set it to auto-register. Also, created device cert ...
haxpanel's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

mosquitto - allow_anonymous false shows connected message

I have set the acl_file property in /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf to /home/ubuntu/my.acl. In the ACL file, I have allow_anonymous false to disallow connections from clients that do not have user name. ...
cogitoergosum's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Connecting a SIM800L to a IBM BlueMix Server via MQTT

I am trying to connect a IoT node to a IBM IoT server via MQTT/GSM. I am using a Sim800L GSM module, and a serial USB device to send the commands to module from my computer. Later on, I will use the ...
codemonkey's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Multiple agents authentication to MQTT

I am building a small IoT platform. I have a webapp reading data from MongoDB. There is a worker that reads from MQTT and stores the data to mongo. Until here, all good. I want to be able to ship an ...
user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How to secure root on IoT device while remaining open to tinkerers

I'm currently spitballing ideas for an Internet of Things device. It will be running Linux on a widely available development board, I'm not too concerned about physical security or the end user doing ...
Adam's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

How can I use 2FA in an MQTT network?

How can I use 2FA (two factor authentication) when I connect a new device to the broker, if it is even possible? Because it seems easier, the second factor can be a software solution first but I ...
Bence Kaulics's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Testing the success of Over the Air updates [closed]

What is the best practice to ensure an IoT device has been updated successfully? What do you need to do in order to test OTA updates and authenticate devices? Taking it a step further, how can you ...
Noam Hacker's user avatar