Questions tagged [dimmer]

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5 votes
2 answers

How to use Aeotec Nano Dimmer with a SPST switch?

I have an Aeotec Nano Dimmer, and am trying to understand how to dim lights using an external SPST switch connected to it. If I toggle the switch the lights go on and off. If I toggle it and then ...
1 vote
2 answers

How to automatically dim the bathroom light at night with Home Assistant

I have a Nordtronic dimmer installed in the bathroom. It is connected to Home assistant via Zigbee, but it is also connected to the physical light switch. Is it possible to set this up, such that if I ...
3 votes
0 answers

Can't Exclude or Reconnect Switch

I have a Smartthings V2 hub that supports my Z-Wave mesh. I have GE Dimmer Paddle Switch that stopped responding to my hub. I tried to exclude it (both just the item in question and then a general ...