Questions tagged [memory-cards]

For questions related to memory cards (such as SD cards) and how they can be used in Internet-connected devices. Consider asking on a different Stack Exchange site such as Super User if there is no link to the Internet of Things.

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11 votes
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How to track a stolen Canon EOS camera using SDHC memory card?

A few years back I've purchased an Eye-Fi Pro X2 for my Canon EOS digital camera. Unfortunately, the camera has been stolen and at that time I had my photo sync disabled in Eye-Fi Center (which is ...
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11 votes
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Eye-Fi vs Transcend: Which card provides more accurate geotagging?

There are two leading companies in the Wi-Fi memory card market. I'd like to know how they compare in terms of accurate geotagging data of the taken photos, especially when travelling around in rural ...
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