Questions tagged [visualization]

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3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Dashboard of historical data in iot_datasourse

I have historical data stored in an SQL database as date in the format (2017.10.27 12:00:25) and the corresponding temperature in the format (26.55). I am using the node iot_datasourse to show the ...
Alice Coutinho's user avatar
2 votes
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Is there a visual tool to connect components together, with suggestions on missing part

I'm not great in electronics but would love to play with micro controller and connecting sensors to it. In my mind, it would mean loading specific micro controller details on that tool (like, say, the ...
Cyril N.'s user avatar
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What's the apropiate kind of diagram to map a controllable loop program?

I've created this automation for a device with 3 settings. Pressing some button (or triggered by something else) activates a trigger that will execute an actionGroup (arbitrary commands grouped ...
Vita's user avatar
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