Questions tagged [zigbee]

For questions about the ZigBee wireless protocol. Use this tag for questions about setting up, installing and using a ZigBee network, along with questions regarding ZigBee transmitters/receivers for devices.

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8 votes
1 answer

Is wireless mesh a poor choice for sleepy devices?

I've been thinking about what it would take to build a temperature sensor network for the block of apartments I live in. A wireless mesh, if it would work at all, would have some nice features. In ...
Chris Steinbach's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Are wireless mesh networks limited to PAN applications?

Reading about Zigbee, I see it described as a technology for creating personal area networks. I've also been reading about 6lowPAN, which seems to crop up in mesh settings, cementing the idea, at ...
Chris Steinbach's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

ZigBee integration (IP/Gateway)

I am looking into a way of integrating with ZigBee via LAN. Basically, what I want to achieve, is to be able to control dimmers (read/write value) get events from presence detection (events) control ...
Oyvind's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

What's the difference between Jackdaw and KillerBee on RZ Raven USB Stick [closed]

What is the difference between Jackdaw and KillerBee on ZigBee USB Stick, both seem to be sniffing packet, but Jackdaw can act as a network interface, and KillerBee is only used for pentest? As far as ...
Terry BRETT's user avatar
4 votes
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What are the parameters and configuration required to connect HA 1.2 Zigbee

I have a Zigbee Network from a company with Zigbee gateway that acts as a coordinator and connects Lights, dimmers, curtain controller etc. I need to add more features to the gateway to improve it. I ...
dmSherazi's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Optimal Wireless Technology for High Data Rate & Low Latency IoT Application

I am planning to use the BNO055 Absolute Orientation Sensor for collecting the accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscopic measurements for an application. As of now I want the data to be sent at a ...
Shan-Desai's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Zigbee network intermittent issues

My Zigbee network connection seems to be intermittent. Suddenly all routers will lose connection, for example unable to ping any of the routers. After awhile (e.g overnight or a period of a few days) ...
Jess's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Can ZigBee be used without a hub?

Can you connect devices without a hub? For example. ZigBee A will talk to ZigBee B and C What I see in the market is they have a hub for the devices—a ZigBee wall switch will have a ZigBee hub. ...
Lester T.'s user avatar
  • 381
9 votes
1 answer

Automatic link failure detection methods in ZigBee networks

Given a ZigBee mesh network with several nodes in it. There are established links between each node via router nodes. If Node A wants to send a message to Node Z for the first time then Node A must ...
Bence Kaulics's user avatar
20 votes
2 answers

Selecting a microcontroller for a battery operated data collection project

I am planning to measure water level in a well, which is about 10 m deep with maximum water level up to 5 m. My plan is to use ultrasonic sensor HC SR04 to measure depth, transmit it via ZigBee to a ...
Raj's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Connecting a sensor to ZigBee

I am planning to measure water level in a well, which is about 10 m deep with maximum water level up to 5 m. My plan is to use ultrasonic sensor HC SR04 to measure depth, transmit it via ZigBee to a ...
Raj's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Has anyone designed a custom IoT wall switch?

Are there any custom IoT wall switches designed using ZigBee, weave, Thread, etc. which have the ability to customize its use without forcefully imposing the use of a proprietary gateway or app? I ...
Lester T.'s user avatar
  • 381
13 votes
3 answers

Can I use Xiaomi ZigBee devices with SmartThings or other hubs?

At this moment I observed that the least expensive ZigBee devices are the ones sold by Xiaomi, but I don't want to use their own hub because I am pretty sure that Chinese language will be all over the ...
sorin's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

Difference Between ZigBee and Z-Wave?

I've have installed Z-Wave switches and outlets in a few places around my house. However, I noticed when purchasing the devices that there were a couple of different wireless options available in the ...
tbm0115's user avatar
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