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For questions about Amazon's Alexa voice recognition service. This includes questions about interfacing Alexa with other services, Alexa skills and how to create custom Alexa skills. Consider adding the [amazon-echo] tag when your question is more closely focused on the device at home.

Use this tag for questions that are about Amazon's Alexa voice recognition service.

Consider the question check list if your question fits the tag. You can also look at the example questions. If this tag doesn't fit your question have a look below at somehow related tags that might fit your question better.

Question checklist

  • Is the question about the Alexa cloud voice that powers Echo devices?
  • Does the question clearly describe the problem or goal that is to be achieved?
  • Is the use of Alexa a central part of the question?

Example questions

Not what you are looking for?

  • Use for questions about the end device that is powered by the Alexa services.

  • Use for general questions about any assistant (e.g. Cortana, Google Assistant or Alexa)

Code Language (used for syntax highlighting): lang-js