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10 votes

How to instruct Google Home to play YouTube videos from *my* playlists

There isn't a way to do this right now. You might be able to get it to play your entire playlist by name, but not an individual song from your playlist. Google Home does the same thing with Google ...
electronaut's user avatar
10 votes

How do I factory reset my Google Home?

From the Factory Data Reset (FDR) Google Home docs page: Press and hold the microphone mute on the back of Google Home for about 15 seconds. You will hear your Google Assistant confirm that it ...
jterrace's user avatar
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10 votes

How can I associate an smart outlet with "lights"?

Google Home seems to figure out the "type" of an outlet via the name. If the name includes the word "lamp" or "light", then it's considered a light and will become part of the light set, and ...
mjs's user avatar
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9 votes

Does the Google Home record conversations to target advertisements?

On the Voice & Audio section of the Google My Activity page, you can see your history. The recordings it keeps are only after triggering it to wake up with the wake word (OK Google). It also has ...
jterrace's user avatar
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8 votes

How accurate is Google Home's voice recognition, especially where the speaker has a thick accent?

If you have an Android phone, try to use the speaking option of the keyboard or try "Ok Google" and ask something. I suppose Google uses the same speech recognition engine on all its platforms...
Goufalite's user avatar
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8 votes

How to connect Google Home to Harmony hub through SmartThings

The Harmony Hub creates virtual switches in the SmartThings app. If you authorize these with Google home, you can issue commands like "Turn on Watch TV" or "Turn off Watch TV" The Google home ...
Jody Albritton's user avatar
8 votes

Can I create custom voice commands and responses for the Google Home?

Google does not provide api for that. Instead their QA tells the users to use external app IFTTT = IfThisThenThat. Newer suggestion of Google is AutoVoice.
mico's user avatar
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7 votes

Smart deadbolt without motor -- Read-only Access

Building on Helmar's answer I would suggest a DIY solution: a miniaturized reed switch and a magnetized / magnet attached deadbolt. Check if there is place for a miniaturized reed switch within the ...
Ghanima's user avatar
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6 votes

What is the Operating System on Google Home Device?

Well, I can answer only two of the queries: First two get answer "No, they aren't supported." The guy in this reddit article played with one Google home device and found that out. There is a hidden ...
mico's user avatar
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6 votes

Can I create custom voice commands and responses for the Google Home?

For an end user, using IFTTT or another connector service as described in mico's answer is probably the best way. If you want to develop an action on the Google Assistant platform, you can use ...
Aurora0001's user avatar
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6 votes

How can I securely support unlocking my door through Google Home?

Generally you want your home's door secure.1 Assuming that the door is secure in itself, i.e. it cannot be opened without the lock, the security of the door is equivalent to the security of said (...
Helmar's user avatar
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6 votes

Can't have a reliable connection between my mobile devices and my TV both through Chromecast and Apple TV

Your router most likely can't handle the number of devices on your network. So in attempts to give every device a connection, it cycles through existing, dormant connections and boots them. In this ...
tbm0115's user avatar
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6 votes

Smart fluorescent strip lights

To control fluorescent lights, you should look for a device called an "appliance switch". This will control any load by switching the power on or off; it does not "dim" the load. With it, your ...
John Deters's user avatar
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6 votes

Is there a known list of wake words for Google Home?

Yes, there is an official list: Simply say "Ok Google" or "Hey Google" before any of the voice queries below. Those are currently the only two wake words. There's some speculation that other wake ...
Aurora0001's user avatar
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6 votes

Hacking a Google Home device to put a "hard switch" on its microphone

Google home devices have many microphones, used for "beam shaping" (listening to the best mic), and noise-cancellation. This means you'd need a multi-channel mux, or several independent switches. Also,...
dandavis's user avatar
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6 votes

Scanning for Device

Assuming it is Bluetooth (a fair guess as this is the only other radio that is regularly available in mobile phones/tablets), then it will be Bluetooth 4 which will be advertising a BLE Service that ...
hardillb's user avatar
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5 votes

How to instruct Google Home to play YouTube videos from *my* playlists

I've tested this out extensively as I really want to be able to verbally initiate one of my Youtube playlist via Google Home. The good news is that can, but only for your Liked videos. I use a ...
Rob Walker's user avatar
5 votes

How do you do a Google Home call?

Answer to your main question: I want to know if it is possible to call a friend who has another Google Home is no, you cannot do that exactly. In the link by @Bence Kaulics in comments it is said ...
mico's user avatar
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5 votes

Can I create custom voice commands and responses for the Google Home?

To create voice commands for google home follow the below given steps: Go to Sign in or up Click Search. Search for "Google Assistant." Click Google Assistant Google Assistant and then ...
IoT Lover's user avatar
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Can I use Google Home in countries where it is not officially available?

Google Home can be set Up and used in other countries. This Beebom article provides a step-by-step guide of doing so. During setup you'll see popup: You may see a warning telling you that the ...
sob's user avatar
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5 votes

Smart deadbolt without motor -- Read-only Access

Unfortunately the usual smart locks on the market are all—to my knowledge—opening your door as well. As Aurora pointed out a lot of those are currently not allowing voice activated unlocking via ...
Helmar's user avatar
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Google Assistant read custom phrase

To make this kind of experiment most easy is to use (a tool acquired by Google just before Google Home was born [1]). In you can very easily imitate the flow with data that is given ...
mico's user avatar
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5 votes

Fluorescent Tubes - Sonoff Switch?

Yes thats a viable solution. It vary between the different Sonoff devices. Note! Beware, working with mains voltage is lethal!
MatsK's user avatar
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How can I have my Google Assistant and Home devices play an MP3 in response to voice command?

Google Assistant's Actions can return a subset of SSML, part of which allows you to instruct the device to play an audio file such as an MP3. An example is given of the SSML to use in the Actions on ...
Aurora0001's user avatar
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5 votes

How to connect Google Home with a DIY home automation system?

The API for this sort of thing is here Google Assistant lets you write Smart Home Actions which let you add your devices to Model and then pass messages to your backend to then control the devices. ...
hardillb's user avatar
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5 votes

Privacy with Voice Assistants

Keeping the device muted when not in use removes a huge amount of the benefit of a voice assistant, if you have to get up, walk across the room and unmute it to use it you might as well just install ...
hardillb's user avatar
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5 votes

Can an Android phone do the same things as Google Home (Mini)?

If the phone is new enough to run a version of Android with full Google Assistant then it should work for most things. The main points that differ will be: The microphone on the phone won't be ...
hardillb's user avatar
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4 votes

Is it possible to train the "Google Home" device for different styles of pronunciation?

Basically what you can do for training by yourself is to retrain the device for your voice. You'll say consecutive times the wake words as they are prompted by the app. I found a post stating you ...
mico's user avatar
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4 votes

Can Google Home support multiple accounts in different languages?

According to this article, Google Home speaks French. Get ready to say "bonjour" to Google Home, French speakers. Google's Assistant-powered speaker will soon be available for purchase in ...
RubbelDieKatz's user avatar
4 votes

As a software developer, is there a way I can restrict Google Home to only play certain music?

Unfortunately, any Action that is intended to imitate Google Home system functionality is explicitly banned, and the API doesn't really facilitate doing that (not surprising, I suppose, that the API ...
Aurora0001's user avatar
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