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3 votes

Matter (like Thread) support in Australia - almost zero. Would a zigbee Smart Home be compatible?

There’s bugger-all Matter stuff anywhere, not just in Australia. The official launch is currently planned for (Northern Hemisphere) fall 2022, after multiple delays. There are actually a few Matter ...
jcaron's user avatar
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1 vote

Matter for pre-certification use

While the open source code for the protocol is available at You may, for experimentation purposes, start with an available development solution such as ...
kalyanswaroop's user avatar
1 vote

How do I access my Matter devices when I’m not at home?

Yes, they still need to use "IoT Protocols" Communication between the vendors cloud services and a Hub (E.g. an Amazon Echo or a Google/Nest Hub) device still uses things like MQTT, it then ...
hardillb's user avatar
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Is Matter, the unified protocol for IoT, usable for hobbyists?

Technology-wise there's nothing keeping you from making a Matter-compatible ESP or controller now. Just read the 1k+ pages of spec, see what's relevant and implement it. With your own controller you ...
Helmar's user avatar
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