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12 votes

Are there any devices with open-source protocols over Wi-Fi?

The IKEA Trådfri lighting system is all CoAP based, you can find my write up on the protocol here Belkin WeMo devices are all uPnP and SOAP controlled as well so another open/self describing protocol
hardillb's user avatar
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8 votes

Are there any initiatives to prevent IoT obsolescence?

A lot of people have struggled with this. No charter appears to be forthcoming, because the interests of the cloud providers lies in locking their hardware users in, based on the potential future ...
John Deters's user avatar
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5 votes

Recommendation to choose API development open source Language, Framework and Database

If you want to use a RESTlike Environment, you can setup: PHP CodeIgniter + MariaDB But you need to reconsider your requirements. Using REST over HTTP may require the use of intermediate techniques ...
Carlos Moreno Salazar's user avatar
5 votes

Is there any open source firmware or OS for IP camera like openwrt for routers

I am looking for the same thing and found your request here in my Google search. There are a ton of opensource cameras out there. Something high end (3D stereo vision for starters): https://www.elphel....
Bruce Boyes's user avatar
3 votes

Open source IoT framework similar to Azure IoT

The stack is opensource and in theory you can stand up you own version. It will handle all the provisioning/managing of the devices but you'll have to supply your own messaging/storage/...
hardillb's user avatar
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3 votes

connect a device automatically without configuring at iot platform end

You can use uBeac IoT platform. You should create a gateway and it will give you a unique URL (which you can change it later). Then, set the given URL in your device. You can configure the ...
Amir Pournasserian's user avatar
3 votes

connect a device automatically without configuring at iot platform end

Most of the big (e.g. IBM, AWS, Azure) IoT platforms support automated device enrolment. IBM Watson IoT:
hardillb's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there any open source firmware or OS for IP camera like openwrt for routers

It appears that OpenIPC firmware is exactly like OpenWrt for IP cameras.
Abyx's user avatar
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1 vote

Where to find Desktop Occupancy Sensors without attached service

Desk occupancy detection is one of those things that may seem to be deceptively easy. The standard sensor for detecting presence is indeed the PIR sensor, because it's cheap, and draws very little ...
jcaron's user avatar
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1 vote

Open source IoT framework similar to Azure IoT

You can also use the opensource Blynk project. The server is opensource. Mobile application is closed source, but is building based on the community feedback (link). My home automation project has ...
balucio's user avatar
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1 vote

Open source IoT framework similar to Azure IoT

You could hack together something with certificates, MQTT, kafka and firebase. But you'll spend a lot of energy making it work and managing it. I guess it is a risk of not taking off Vs a risk of ...
kalyanswaroop's user avatar
1 vote

Is there any open source firmware or OS for IP camera like openwrt for routers

It can be done with openWRT with some models, though is not offically supported and not fully functional, example: That camera ...
user13442's user avatar
1 vote

Can I install Mycroft on Google Home?

Yes, Google home indeed has a hidden port inside it. But actually there is no evidence that it supports Fastboot and ADB. So hopes are narrow as of now to install a new OS on google home. Refer here
Adil Saju's user avatar
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