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10 votes

How can I programmatically tell a camera where to point?

Trigonometry ! My camera is a DLink 5020-L and has pan/tilt commands which can be given through an API. It also has predefined positions to set and can also be triggered through API Pre-init Define a ...
Goufalite's user avatar
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7 votes

How reliable is location tracking of shipments?

I am not certain that this is an IoT question. I have the impression that those tracking devices would not get any GPS signal in shipping containers, trucks or buildings, where they would be most of ...
Mawg's user avatar
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6 votes

How can I programmatically tell a camera where to point?

Great answers already, I'd just like to add a few other things that you should take into consideration. Like hardlib and Goufalite have already mentioned, the way to do this is trigonometrically. I'...
anonymous2's user avatar
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6 votes

TrackR keep ringing on its own

There's another idea, also from trackr's support page. Again, it's also a feature that can be enabled/disabled, and that is "Device alert." Basically, it warns when your phone can no ...
anonymous2's user avatar
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5 votes

How can I programmatically tell a camera where to point?

This is normally done with basic trigonometry. Start by working on a single 2d flat plane with the camera at the origin (0,0) and the object at (x,y) Given that the x distance will be the adjacent ...
hardillb's user avatar
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5 votes

Wireless communication technologies for indoor location-tracking

I have used EPC GEN2 [EPC865-868 MHz(Europe), 902-928 MHz(USA)] technology for an automated document management system. You can find long distance antennas on the market. For example - GAO RFID can be ...
Amit Vujic's user avatar
5 votes

Can GPS device report to other device without internet?

GPS devices are receive only, they have no way to send any data to anywhere else unless you explicitly include the capability. What you should use as back haul will entirely depend on how your device ...
hardillb's user avatar
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3 votes

Wireless communication technologies for indoor location-tracking

IF you would like to located indooer, rfid and bluetooth would be best choice. It has UHF and HF for rfid requency, respectively 860-960MHz and 13.56Mhz. And UHF divided into 902-928 MHz(USA) 865-868 ...
Lin David's user avatar
3 votes

TrackR keep ringing on its own

If this only happens when the phone and the trackr's are separated, according to trackr's support page, This separation alert is an intended functionality. If you would like to disable this feature ...
anonymous2's user avatar
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2 votes

Looking for device with following capabilities

Your best choice might be to have a look around on this site, quite a lot custom made hardware can be found here. A partially appropriate one could be this Tiny ESP32 board that is 29.21x26.72 mm, BT ...
Bence Kaulics's user avatar
2 votes

Smallest version of a GPS Receiver searched

I almost wonder if this is a duplicate of this question that @Aurora0001 linked. I would suggest the LightBug again. It has got an 8 day battery life, plus solar recharging, if you can leave it ...
anonymous2's user avatar
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2 votes

How reliable is location tracking of shipments?

You'd track on several levels. You track the truck with GPS, not the products. You track the individual shipments with zigbee or RFID. Those technologies are a lot cheaper. Thus, it's affordable to ...
Helmar's user avatar
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1 vote

Track a tennis ball moving at high speed

Consider using OpenCV and cameras to track tennis balls using computer vision. This project can find tennis balls. For tacking tennis balls this may be a better example to follow. The ...
st2000's user avatar
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1 vote

How to count people in a given area without using phone traffic data?

Here is an awesome open source project for inspiration
H. Sinan Alioglu's user avatar
1 vote

Sensor suggestions for accurate drone speed testing

Here's an alternative solution to what you're shown. Create a way of having a bright point light from the drone. Have a way where you take two pictures that captures this point of light from the drone....
kalyanswaroop's user avatar
1 vote

Advise on device to use when tracking a moving vehicle and pushing data to an API

Assuming the van as an ODB-2 port (most do) then you can just grab something like this. This assumes that you need something that reports in real-time, since you'd have to pay for a data plan. That ...
TheGentleman's user avatar
1 vote

Advise on device to use when tracking a moving vehicle and pushing data to an API

Firstly, how are you going to power your device? If you have a modern radio, or even a cigarette lighter USB adapter, then you can easily power an EDSP32, Raspberry Pi Zero W, BBC:Microbit, Arduino, ...
Mawg's user avatar
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1 vote

Is there any way to track GPS device without WiFi, Bluetooth, internet?

I am trying to develop a security gadget which can be wearable. Congratulations. This sounds like a good idea. The first thing to worry about is power. Wait! Actually, that is the second. The fist ...
Mawg's user avatar
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