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16 votes

What makes Ubuntu Core's "Snaps" better than normal packages for IoT devices?

There are two advantages as far I know, here they are: First: Snap packages can bring their own dependencies with them. So no dependency hell. Second: Snap packages can be installed for one user ...
Videonauth's user avatar
9 votes

What's the purpose of a gadget snap in Ubuntu Core?

According to, there are basically two purposes: - Declare hardware capabilities to the system Quoting from Ubuntu Documentation: The gadget snap is responsible for defining and ...
anonymous2's user avatar
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7 votes

Building an IoT product - what is the best way to avoid sharing in-house proprietary code?

First of all, note that I'm not a lawyer. Get one if you think you need legal advice. Licensing is one such area where I'd recommend one. Open source licenses vary greatly in what they allow. Let's ...
kyrofa's user avatar
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