For questions concerning Wi-Fi connected IoT devices and protocols for Wi-Fi communication. Use the [wireless] tag for any other wireless protocol - this tag is specifically for Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11.x).
Use this tag for questions that are about the Wi-Fi protocol and devices connected to a Wi-Fi network.
Consider the question check list if your question fits the tag. You can also look at the example questions. If this tag doesn't fit your question have a look below at somehow related tags that might fit your question better.
Question checklist
Is the question about the protocol itself or does it specifically require disambiguation through the wifi tag?
Is the question not about any wireless protocol or mobile data networks (cellular networks).
Does the question describe clearly what the issue is?
Example questions
How can I easily configure Wi-Fi on a smart device without a screen?
What factors to consider when selecting an integrated wifi MCU for a low powered edge device?
Not what you are looking for?
Use wireless for questions about any wireless protocol.
Use wifi-halow for the low power, high range 802.11ah protocol.
Use networking for questions about setting up and configuring networks for your IoT devices in general.