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15 votes

Difference Between ZigBee and Z-Wave?

There are a few things that really distinguish Z-Wave and ZigBee from each other. Frequency The first (as Eirik M noted) is the frequency on which they operate. Z-Wave operates within the 915 MHz ...
asciiphil's user avatar
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15 votes

Adding Devices to Samsung SmartThings

Apparently Smart things uses Z-Wave protocol among others like Philips Hue. Maybe you should add your devices near the SmartThings hub for it to recognize them to check if they are compatible. ...
Goufalite's user avatar
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14 votes

Safety of a smart switch on a fireplace

In my opinion, "smart switches" are a natural progression of the current switch. I assume when switch-activated fireplaces first arrived people wondered "is it safe to have a fire that is activated ...
Joel Brewer's user avatar
13 votes

Temperature sensors affected by rain

A wet sensor will not measure the same temperature as a dry sensor due to the evaporation of water from its surface and with the required latent heat being supplied by the sensor, i.e. evaporating ...
Ghanima's user avatar
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13 votes

Safety of a smart switch on a fireplace

There is no 'standard practice' for this sort of application to date. Simple, insecure, remote electrical switching is accepted practice - provided the switch hardware complies with the normal ...
Sean Houlihane's user avatar
12 votes

Safety of a smart switch on a fireplace

As with all smart devices it completely depends on their security level. As such you have to evaluate the security level of the specific smart switch to determine its safety level. If the smart ...
Helmar's user avatar
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11 votes

Why arp -a does not show all devices connected to WIFI?

ARP is the Address Resolution Protocol. TCP/IP stacks use ARP to map between an IP address (like and hardware (usually MAC) address, like 00:11:22:AA:BB:CC. Because there's overhead in ...
romkey's user avatar
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10 votes

Difference Between ZigBee and Z-Wave?

I think there is mainly one thing you should care about: Is the ZigBee solution 2.4 GHz or 868/908 MHz? The 2.4 GHz penetrates less then ~900 MHz through walls, and the 2.4 GHz shares the spectrum ...
Eirik M's user avatar
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9 votes

Temperature sensors affected by rain

Building upon several years of deploying outdoor wireless sensor networks, I would like to add the following hint: Think ahead and do not underestimate the problems arising from humidity! I will ...
koalo's user avatar
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8 votes

Which protocol should I use for automation devices in a home environment?

Here you have a nice list of 11 IoT protocols you need to know about. Here is a summary in case the link someday breaks Bluetooth Standard: Bluetooth 4.2 core specification Frequency: 2.4GHz (ISM) ...
Snake Sanders's user avatar
8 votes

Suitable wireless technologies for high density industrial IoT

Your challenge is handling the throughput demands with channel contention. Your devices are all close enough that you need to assume they are all potential interferers to each other so you will need ...
Sean Houlihane's user avatar
7 votes

Optimal Wireless Technology for High Data Rate & Low Latency IoT Application

Latency vs Rate a low-latency (10 Hz) type of IoT application This is a conceptual error. Latency and Rate are largely independent. You could have a system which recorded thousands of readings ...
Chris Stratton's user avatar
7 votes

What should be considered when building a wireless sensor network?

Please do not waste your time and make the same mistake as hundreds of research groups (including ours) made before for decades and just throw some unspecific sensors into the wild without knowing ...
koalo's user avatar
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7 votes

Power consumption of ANT/ANT+ compared to other wireless sensor network technologies

The ant website has a power estimator which suggests an active 4800 baud connection requires less than 100 uA from a coin cell. I'm not too sure I trust the numbers there though, they look rather ...
Sean Houlihane's user avatar
7 votes

Device for a motion tracker with BLE/Wi-Fi

Building your own device for this use case really is the wrong approach. The industrial design to build something that will survive day to day use and be comfortable to wear with a useable battery ...
hardillb's user avatar
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7 votes

Local and distant MQTT communication

A broker like mosquitto will run happily on the Pi and bridge to a remote broker. How much resources it will consume entirely depends on how much traffic you send through it and if you end up queuing ...
hardillb's user avatar
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7 votes

Why are Zigbee hardware modules so expensive?

As comments indicate there is apparently indeed a licensing and certification process involved that might indicate where some part of the price stems from. Though well known in the automation ...
Helmar's user avatar
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7 votes

Why are Zigbee hardware modules so expensive?

There are a number of 802.15.4 solutions which are not Zigbee, and cost less. See this article: "What’s The Difference Between IEEE 802.15.4 And ZigBee Wireless?" As I understand it, to use the label ...
bboyes's user avatar
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6 votes

Which protocol should I use for automation devices in a home environment?

Referring to the list of protocols provided in Snake's answer, it seems you need a protocol with a range of 20-100m, good low-power performance (ideally passive, but I don't know of any solution), and ...
Sean Houlihane's user avatar
6 votes

Creating an HTTP GET polling service on a Raspberry Pi Client

I found a good base solution for what @Chris Stratton refers to a kept alive TCP connection: import socket # Set up a TCP/IP socket s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) # Connect as ...
mico's user avatar
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6 votes

IoT 2G wireless data - service providers options in USA

Have you looked at or T-Mobile? T-Mobile offer unlimited connectivity for $25/year per SIM. They also have a web management platform, API and can optionally integrate with Twilio's ...
pan's user avatar
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6 votes

Controlling IoT device through a captive portal/web app over Wi-Fi & 4G/LTE simultaneously

Question 2.) Are there any other ideas that anyone can think of to solve this - even crazy ideas like XSS vectors to PUSH content into the captive portal from external servers? If I may suggest, you ...
sob's user avatar
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6 votes

How to Use Alexa & Raspberry Pi switch things wirelessly?

Buy sonoff switches Flash with MQTT firmware ( Add to wifi Send MQTT messages from the Pi to control the switch You can also use something like Node-RED (...
hardillb's user avatar
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6 votes

How does APN affect cellular connectivity?

This confusing behaviour is typical. The underlying reason is that it is up to the carrier to decide what to do with the APN setting — unlike most configurations of this form, you're not actually ...
Heath Raftery's user avatar
5 votes

How do I check whether a LTE network supports CAT M1?

I tried hard to find out an AT command for that, but unfortunately I didn't find it. Instead I found semi new slides about m1 and m2.
mico's user avatar
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5 votes

Wireless communication technologies for indoor location-tracking

I have used EPC GEN2 [EPC865-868 MHz(Europe), 902-928 MHz(USA)] technology for an automated document management system. You can find long distance antennas on the market. For example - GAO RFID can be ...
Amit Vujic's user avatar
5 votes

Difference Between ZigBee and Z-Wave?

As a software guy—and a protocol stack guy at that—I tend to look differently at this than you might. To me, these protocols are "low level" stuff (layer 1 & 2 of the OSI 7 layer model). I don't ...
Mawg's user avatar
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5 votes

Availability of Narrow band IoT modules or chipsets

It is still early days for NB-IoT and any hands-on with NB-IoT that is outside the large companies is only happening in lab and innovation environments. Mobile operators, such as Vodafone, and chipset ...
Simon Munro's user avatar
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5 votes

IoT device (siren) with RESTful APIs

I don't think there are many off-the-shelf configurable end products (maybe a Kickstarter idea). The only one I found so far was Hexiware and I have no idea how complete that is. Cost wise, I think ...
Sean Houlihane's user avatar
5 votes

Is there any surveillance camera that supports UDP broadcast upon motion detection?

The program MJPG_streamer has an UDP option. This program is commonly used with DIY security cameras running embedded Linux. This program does not allow motion detection however. You must sync the ...
GusGorman402's user avatar

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