I need to access an ESP8266's Wi-Fi local server from outside.
Like Xiaomi Yeelight (YeeLight Introduction Web Site Link) or LOHAS LED (LOHAS LED Web Site), I have to control it from outside not in same Wi-Fi.
I can only think of port forwarding, but I don't think Yeelight uses port forwarding (just my opinion).
I don't know whether YeeLight forces one to activate port forwarding or not using port forwarding, but I wonder how YeeLight can control the light bulb from the outside.
In order to control Wi-Fi IoT product like YeeLight, I have to create local server which can control Wi-Fi IoT product's GPIO. Is it right?
If question 1 is right, how I can access to Wi-Fi IoT product's local server from outside without port forwarding?
Is there any way to force to activate port forwarding in end-point (not in router)?