I'm using a Wemos mini, to switch on the light.

I'm trying to figure out how to combine IFTTT and Sunset and Sunrise from Weather underground to trigger the lights ON.

All examples I find, is how ESP triggers the IFTTT (using IFTTTMaker) but not the other way around, meaning ESP get triggered from IFTTT service.

1 Answer 1


If you want to send a "then that" trigger to your esp8266, you can use a webhook.

However, you need to do some preparations on your home network:

  • You need to have a webserver running on your esp8266.
  • You need to enable port forwarding on your router for one port to be forwarded to your esp8266.
  • You need to know your public facing IP-address or you need to use a DynDNS service.
  • You need to be aware about the security implications of opening a public facing port and forwarding this to your esp8266.

Here is what you then need to enter into the ifttt webhook action fields:

  • URL: enter your public facing IP-address (including port that is forwarded to the esp8266) or your dynDNS address.
  • Method/Content Type/Body: feel free to choose.

An example for a simple http call:


Here is what you need to implement on your esp8266:

On the esp8266 you need to have the webserver check for a http request as configured in your webhook and react according to your wishes.

  • Can you please share a code?
    – guyd
    Commented Nov 1, 2019 at 5:41
  • I don't have any own tested code that I could share, but maybe this tutorial about esp8266 as webserver could be helpful: tttapa.github.io/ESP8266/…
    – oh.dae.su
    Commented Nov 1, 2019 at 6:40

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