iI am mainly from software background with very very basic level of electronics/microcontroller knowledge.
iI recently did a small iotIoT project for moisture/temp detection following this tutorial : https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/iot-moisture-raspi-setup.htmlthis tutorial at
At a very high level this uses raspberry pi4Raspberry Pi4 and a capacitive moisture sensor (which is plugged into raspberry pi) to send the data via aws iotAWS IoT to my email.
I would like to upgrade to where iI can have multiple stemma capacitive moisture sensors (1 for each of my indoor plants) without obviously buying many raspberyy pisRaspberry Pis...i I did some basic research and iI believe iI would need some sort of microcontroller with each moisture sensor for each plant that is battery operated and can send data either on wifiWiFi/mqttMQTT (something like this https://diyi0t.com/microcontroller-to-raspberry-pi-wifi-mqtt-communication/this) or bluetoothBluetooth...then then my raspberry piRaspberry Pi can act as a server to each of these devices send data to awsAWS.
iI kindly need guidance on what piece of cheap battery operated (ideally don't want to plug in)/wifiWiFi or bluetoothBluetooth enabled hardware (microcontrollers?) is best for individually having many moisture sensors connected.
alsoAlso is my thinking correct?