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For questions related to the IoT applications that use Arduino. If question is about software or hardware issue with Arduino, consider whether asking it at Arduino Stack Exchange would be more appropriate.

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DS3231 set time compiling to wrong date and time

I am working on a project where I need to set the alarm on a DS3231 to wake an ESP32 at a specified time. In my workflow, I upload three scripts: one to set the time on the DS3231, one to set the ...
David Wit's user avatar
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Using LoRa-RSSI to Estimate Distance in Outdoor Setting

Thanks here, I've tried to optimize the LoRa setup to ensure accurate or acceptable RSSI measurements and for distance estimation between multiple nodes and a master in an outdoor environment using ...
Ausen's user avatar
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How to use multiple characteristics when implementing Bluetooth Low Energy on HM-10?

I am implementing BLE with a HM-10 connected to an arduino UNO. I have encountered an issue where attempting to add another characteristic results in the overwrite of the first one, leaving me with ...
Giorgi Datunaishvili's user avatar
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What kind of 13.56 MHz NFC cards are there?

EDIT: when mentioning "cards" in the question below, I mean the kind of badges/cards you can but at Aliexpress that claim to be "magic" cards (or that ndo not claim anything and ...
WoJ's user avatar
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If hackers get ahold of your physical IoT device, what's the purpose of using secure/crypto-chips?

Trying to design some secure firmware here and running into a brick wall regarding the use of crypto-chips. We are considering using this one here: ...
Mike's user avatar
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2 answers

How can you send data (via cellular) from an Arduino to a server?

I'm pretty new to IoT so forgive the basic questions, but I need to send data from an Arduino that is constantly collecting sensor data to a home server. I wanted to know where to start with this ...
pop's user avatar
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Arduino LoRa communication protocol

I am fairly new to IoT and to all kinds of Arduino chips/sensors etc.. I am trying to understand the mechanism of LoRa device communication. With the help of the official Arduino web page I found the ...
dimitar.d's user avatar
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Circuit python express loads boot mode but doesn't flash .uf2

I'm having some trouble flashing CircuitPython to my Circuit Python Express. I successfully enter boot mode (LEDs are all green and red D13 light slowly blinking) but I can't flash anything. When I ...
hvnova's user avatar
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Adding RTC Library for Arduino Project in Visual Studio

I am working in an Arduino project in visual studio. I need to get and set time to a RTC clock. That's why I am adding a ds3231 header file in my project from GitHub. When I want to build "it's ...
Iqbal Hossain's user avatar
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How to effectively control Arduino via a web application?

I have a web application in PHP on remote hosting. The application is connected to a MySQL database, from which it reads states, draws graphs from the data that Arduino sends to the database. The ...
Sahasrar's user avatar
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How to import libraries with ESP-IDF for visual studio code?

What I am trying to do I have an ESP32-CAM, and I want to use Visual Studio Code, I already used the Arduino IDE at first, and it worked fine. To work with the ESP32 on VS Code I installed the ...
Gregory Boutte's user avatar
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Using ESP32 as a web server and Arduino

This is my first project and I'm getting my way around this. I wanted to make a simple project using Arduino creating a web server, in order to turn on and off the AC. I think I made a mistake buying ...
Itamar Nahum's user avatar
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How to setup an alternative algorithm to ADR?

I've setup a simple LoRaWAN network with a Seeeduino node and an RHF2S001 gateway module using a Raspberry pi 3. I'm working on a project where I need to setup an alternative algorithm to ADR (...
Newt97's user avatar
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How to control homework writting machine with IOT [closed]

It consists of (CNCsheild, Arduino UNO, 2-stepper motors and servo motor), It works with GRBL Plotter and Inkscape. I am new at learning IOT. I want to know what is the needed components and software ...
Salma's user avatar
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What is the difference between a GATT Unit and a GATT Characteristic?

I am setting up an Arduino to collect temperature and pressure data, and I want to broadcast that data via bluetooth. My question boils down to what allocated UUID is best for my characteristic, and I ...
helpful_rabbit's user avatar
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TFT screen shield worked and quickly quit

I bought an Arduino Uno board and the Elegoo 2.8" TFT Shield. I plugged them together. It just worked. Examples from Elegoo including graphicstest and displaystring worked great. Then I tried ...
Joymaker's user avatar
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Can I upload 2 code files to a NodeMCU

I have a NodeMCU board. I uploaded blink example for that board and I need to add another example project from the IDE. What happens to the 1st code example or blink example when 2nd code uploaded. Is ...
Savithu's user avatar
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MQTT disconnects from AWS when publishing a message

Please look at this sketch for ESP32. It does nothing but: connects to WiFi connects to AWS MQTT subscribes to the /get/accepted topic every 5 s publish an empty message to the /get topic to retrieve ...
Mark's user avatar
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Why would MKR GSM stop transmitting data to IOT cloud after a certain amount of time transmitting fine?

The device connects to IOT cloud fine and transmits the data for days and sometimes even weeks, but then it will stop transmitting for apparently no reason. On the IOT cloud dashboard the device is ...
Kody Rogers's user avatar
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3 answers

Are there Arduino boards that can be used as a small web server, supporting HTTPS?

I would like to control a relay from over the internet. I was thinking of making this using an Arduino and some wifi/ethernet shield. Searching the internet, I see a lot of shields and modules that ...
user2190492's user avatar
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Alternative for ESP23-WROOM-32D

A couple of months ago I designed a board with an ESP32-WROOM-32D (M113DH3200PS3Q0). Now on the Espressif product selector page they say it's not recommended for new designs! Questions: What is the ...
Mark's user avatar
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Circuit Playground Express not showing CIRCUITPY drive

I got a Circuit Playground Express to serve as an anti-slumper device. Several mini-USB cables were power-only, and I tested them with the Arduino IDE and C code until one worked. I reset the board to ...
emonigma's user avatar
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ESP32-CAM and I2C bus connection issue

I'm trying to add I2C sensors to my esp cam but it doesn't work in either way. I followed some tutorials about it and have working code but scanning the bus shows no devices. Here is the sketch: #...
smoczyna's user avatar
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Quality water IoT system - Which device choose

I want to develop a quality water IoT system. The picture below shows the idea. I'm not sure the device that I have to use for this project. My idea is: Every X minutes (I'm not sure the time) get ...
Lleims's user avatar
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When use microcontroller, when use microprocessor and when combine both

For a long time I have had a simple question to which I can't find an answer which convinces me. Basically the title: when should I use a microcontroller, when should I use a microprocessor and when ...
Lleims's user avatar
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Getting a custom SBC board developed to spec

I need to design a single-board computer to the following specs. Can anyone please suggest companies that could build this economically? Two full-size (USB-A) USB 3 ports A CPU fast enough to handle ...
Luke Hutchison's user avatar
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2 answers

Is MQTT a good choice for my application?

For a university project I need to have a couple of "things" that collect data and which we will then be able to view and manipulate. At the moment each of the devices will consist of a few ...
Joel's user avatar
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How to speed up first Mosquitto message?

When sending MQTT messages, first message arrives within 2 seconds and subsequent messages sent within less than 20 secs from first message, arrive in about 0.5 second. I would like to speed up those “...
Nino's user avatar
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How to collect data from AM 2302 temperature sensors over long wires?

I am trying to monitor the grain temperature in 4 roughly 25ft grain bins. I currently am monitoring temperature in one 15ft bin with the AM 2302 sensor, and it appears to be working. I just made a ...
Kody Rogers's user avatar
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3 answers

Noob looking for platform [closed]

Long time web programmer now getting into electronics as hobby projects and perhaps small custom productions. I'm partial to using microcontrollers instead of Pi's, because I'm thinking I don't need ...
Michael Sørensen's user avatar
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1 answer

Can I disable read access to an SD card by removing the read wire? [closed]

I want an internet connected host, such as a Raspberry Pi, to be able to write uploaded files to a directly-connected SD card, but I don't want it to be able to read the card. This is for protection ...
DatsunBing's user avatar
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57 views argon delay time as var

I have everything working wonderfully but I want to accomplish one more thing and I'm not sure how to go about it. Part one to this question: Under command=="loops" I have a delay() function....
Kelly's user avatar
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Arduino MKR GSM/NB + CAN + SD Card

I have some questions about a new Arduino project I'm starting: Since Vodafone (Italy in my case) is shutting down 3G in 2021 (keeping 2G/4G up apprently), is ARDUINO MKR GSM 1400 still valid in next ...
Gorgo's user avatar
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How to get stepper motor to rotate smoothly and continuously?

I'm trying to build my own motorised roller blinds based off this project. It uses the Stepper_28BYJ_48 library. The problem I'm having is that the motor is either very slow and jittery, going forward ...
jampez77's user avatar
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Send data from GSM module to cloud server like Firebase

I am trying to search for anything to send my sensor data from Arduino + GSM SIM900A to a cloud server, preferably Firebase. Does anyone know how can I achieve this operation to Firebase or any other ...
Prateek Goyal's user avatar
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MQTT device shows as offline in Home Assistant when connection is established

I'm trying to create a Garage door sensor / motor controller and connect it to my instance of Home Assistant. My broker is the local mosquito on the Raspberry pi. The device is a Wemos D1 mini with a ...
jampez77's user avatar
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Best way to store the data received from aws iot core

What I am trying to achieve is that I have an Arduino base which periodically uploads data to AWS IoT-Core. But I am looking for a way to store that data and make it accessible to my web application ...
Madhav Parikh's user avatar
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Arduino LMIC: GPS Logger - old coordinates stuck in queue

I'm building a LoRaWAN GPS Logger using the Arduino LMIC Library. I've got a running solution which reads GPS coordinates and transmits them via LoRaWAN to TTN. For activation, I'm using OTAA. On TTN, ...
Felix's user avatar
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IoT Dashboard for customers (data comes from Arduino)

I push my sensor readings from product A, B, C, D to an online cloud provider. Then my customer (call him E) needs to access all these sensor readings and make a dashboard for his customer X, Y Z. ...
ProgrammerX's user avatar
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Identify the ancient IOT hardware model and find out its driver

Found from the bottom of my gadget box, I am trying to use this board for my hobby project, but I cannot even remember what model it is. Could anyone help please to identify the model of this board? ...
Franva's user avatar
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Cannnot send from Arduino to Raspberry pi via LoRa

I am trying to send messages from my Arduino to my Raspberry pi. But I don't understand why the pi isn't receiving the messages. On the Arduino side I'm using an Arduino UNO with a Dragino Lora/GPS ...
metichi's user avatar
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How can I increase the size of the receiving sms Buffer in GSM

Recently I am working on programming IoT Project, to receive messages from the phone. That part worked, but the problem that I am currently facing is that the message does not arrive fully because of ...
saja wahidee's user avatar
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wireless moisture data transmission

I am mainly from software background with very very basic level of electronics/microcontroller knowledge. I recently did a small IoT project for moisture/temp detection following this tutorial At a ...
Fahad Najib's user avatar
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Mini weather station project not working

I have been trying to do this project for 2 weeks. The project is about mini weather station. It uses esp8266, DHT11 sensor,BMP180 sensor and FC 37 rain sensor. I have taken reference from the ...
Dharshinii Ravikumar's user avatar
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Integrating STM32 device with smart lock via BLE

I am using a Particle Boron to integrate with a Smart lock but I am not being able to do it. I'm using Particle's BLE interface to connect to Bluetooth and start sending messages to the lock, and a ...
Mauricio's user avatar
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switching setDebugOutput off on esp8266

This thing is driving me nuts. I tried to debug my MQTT secure connection on nodecmu. Following some post from year 2015 I was switched on debugging output with Serial.setDebugOutput(true). Now I ...
arthur's user avatar
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ESP IDF Data backup to NVS when power goes off

I am using esp-IDF library and esp32 for smart lighting. I want to maintain the state of the lights when power goes off as it can be written somewhere in NVS. Such implementation is available for ...
Learner's user avatar
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Fs1000a generic cheap RF transmitter compatibility with Hc12 receiver?

I have build a door sensor where Arduino uno reads reed switch and transmits RF 433MHz signal to other Arduino uno connected RF receiver. I am using rcswitch library and cheap ask/ook transmitter/ ...
suresh hariramani's user avatar
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Not getting data from nodemcu to the firebase

I've done almost everything to get the data from nodemcu but nothing happened. I tried by changing the fingerprint. I have also used project secret and copy it in FIREBASE_AUTH part. I also ...
CHETAN NIRADWAR's user avatar
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How fast can I send data to firebase from nodemcu 1.0?

I was sending some variable value to the firebase database I have created: how fast can I send it? What would be minimum time interval between two values nodemcu can send and fire base can receive? I ...
CHETAN NIRADWAR's user avatar