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RFID Specifications and Project Recommendations [closed]

I'm very new (one day) to the IoT world. I've got a specific project I want to tackle, as a intro to IoT, but I'm also open to general advice on getting started. In summary, I want to know if my ...
Zduff's user avatar
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Control GPIO of ESP32 using Bluetooth [closed]

I’m using ESP32 to control relays using MQTT ( both over Arduino and MicroPython ). For special cases, and not for everyday operation, I wish to control a specific GPIO over Bluetooth ( a reset irq)....
guyd's user avatar
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9 votes
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IoT Setup: Bluetooth Sensor -> IoT Gateway -> IoT Platform

I want to get started implementing IoT stuff. I do not have experience with it so far, but am learning fast. I am imagining my setup as follows: Proposed Setup Different wireless sensors (...
HideAndSeek's user avatar
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Device for a motion tracker with BLE/Wi-Fi [closed]

I would like to know best alternatives to an Arduino or Raspberry Pi that has to satisfy the following specifications: Has BLE (Bluetooth low energy). Small size (
Lechucico's user avatar
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Creating COM serial port between external device (Joule/Arduino/etc.) and PC over Bluetooth w/ linux sdptool & rfcomm (OR another method)

This article is not device specific, but rather is focused on using sdptool and rfcomm to setup a serial com port connection over bluetooth. If you have another method instead of these two Linux ...
Sam H.'s user avatar
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Read and Send Orientation Sensor Values from Android to Arduino

I'm trying to read orientation sensor values from android and send them to an Arduino. The android will send valueX, valueY and valueZ in bytes. Each value will end with x,y and z character at end of ...
fadfadhli's user avatar