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Questions tagged [microprocessors]

For questions concerning IoT applications that use microprocessors as control units.Endpoints typically use microcontrollers, and since all hubs will be based around a microprocessor, only use this tag when the question specifically relates to the processor.

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Non-locally Electrically Programmable Logic Gates - Technological Advances Progress

Preface: I’d like to clarify that I understand what a relay is and that a PLC uses a fairly conventional microprocessor that only digitally establishes logical logic gate configuration as a digitally ...
Anony Mous's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

When use microcontroller, when use microprocessor and when combine both

For a long time I have had a simple question to which I can't find an answer which convinces me. Basically the title: when should I use a microcontroller, when should I use a microprocessor and when ...
Lleims's user avatar
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2 votes
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Using aircrack-ng within VoCore [closed]

I wonder if I can use VoCore to capture and create/inject custom made packages. I'm a big fan of IoT. But I don't do this for a living. I'm just learning stuff, on my own, in my spare time. My ...
mrbigheart's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Save each recording on Master from ISD1820 Voice Board

While looking for a voice recording module, I found ISD1820 to be one of the cheapest and with good SNR. I am just not sure of the fact that whether each recording from it can be saved to the master (...
Ashish K's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Can I run Unity AR on a single board computer instead of a smartphone? [closed]

Unity AR targets to Android and iOS. Are there single board devices that will run the custom apps created as if the device was a cellphone? The device does not have to make calls, just run the ...
Frank Kurka's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Will reusing a mobile phone as a smart webcam be cheaper than buying a dedicated webcam?

With Perch, it seems that you can use an old Android smartphone with a camera as a webcam, which seems like a great idea to reuse old devices that you no longer want. However, in normal usage, phones ...
Aurora0001's user avatar
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