I'm studying ways to make an IoT device access an user´s wifi network. I know about the WPS way, where the device 'broadcast' a signal and the router, after being commanded to listen, 'receive' it and give the device it's access. There's also the way in which the device create it's own access point, the user connect to it to pass the SSID and Password of the home network. Are ther other ways to accomplish that?
I've read this article that talks about this 'ProbMe' method:
I may be wrong, but the Broadlink Rm Pro may do something like this. Recently I configured one of those and I just had to:
Connect my smartphone to my wifi
Scan an QR code or type a code in Broadlink App
Input my network SSID and Password in Broadlink App
And, I do not know how, device is connected to my network, the app even has its MAC address.
Do any of you know more about this ProbMe method and/or other alternatives to give an IoT device access to an user wifi network?
Edit: Searching about the ProbMe, I've found out that this is a technology from a company called Econais, just sharing if any of you want to develope/produce something similar, the company works with IoT software/hardware. Disclaimer: I do not work at Econais nor I'm involved with it in any way.