I am wondering how the DHT 22 (measures humidity and temperature) sensor would work under double or triple atmospheric pressure (rough calculations have been done but it will vary and the exact density being dealt with is not currently known).
The sensor is being considered to be used for a project I am involved with where the temperature of grain in a bin would be monitored to help prevent the spoiling of the grain.
The project's small GitHub is located here https://github.com/PhysicsUofRAUI/binTempSensor , I don't think any more useful information is there but maybe I'm wrong.
The project has a few different ways to communicate (only a few may eventually be made), but it will all be done at atm pressure so it is irrelevant in this question.
I am also curious in general about how sensors would act in these situations, so if anyone has any knowledge they want to share that'd be awesome.
Would it cause parts of it to break? Could other adverse things happen?
Cheers and thanks!