I want to create a simple web server on a SAM4E. I have found a example but I would like to change the website. Now it's just plain html code:
if(( NULL != pcRxString)
&& ( !strncmp( pcRxString, "GET", 3 ) ))
/* Update the hit count. */
sprintf( cPageHits, "%d", (int)ulPageHits );
/* Write out the HTTP OK header. */
netconn_write( pxNetCon, webHTTP_OK, (u16_t) strlen( webHTTP_OK ), NETCONN_COPY );
/* Generate the dynamic page... First the page header. */
strcpy( cDynamicPage, webHTML_START );
/* ... Then the hit count... */
strcat( cDynamicPage, cPageHits );
strcat( cDynamicPage, "<p><pre>Task State Priority Stack #<br>************************************************<br>" );
/* ... Then the list of tasks and their status... */
vTaskList( ( signed portCHAR * ) cDynamicPage + strlen( cDynamicPage ) );
/* ... Finally the page footer. */
strcat( cDynamicPage, webHTML_END );
/* Write out the dynamically generated page. */
netconn_write( pxNetCon, cDynamicPage, (u16_t) strlen( cDynamicPage ), NETCONN_COPY );
Is it possible to include an index.html and include that in the build? So I don't have to write the entire code but only include a simple html file.