Can someone here help me out with code to send data from esp32 to aws s3 storage ?
I am using esp-idf as I have other code running on the esp32 as well.
I am new to aws so any help would be good.
Can someone here help me out with code to send data from esp32 to aws s3 storage ?
I am using esp-idf as I have other code running on the esp32 as well.
I am new to aws so any help would be good.
Not the complete answer but a step forward:
AWS has released their ESP32 support with AWS FreeRTOS.
To send directly to S3 without going through IoT Core, you will need your endpoint (obviously) and certificates on the device side to authenticate on the Cloud side. With the policies and Roles on the Cloud side, a trusted device should be able to post on S3.