I'm trying to set up AWS IoT authentication with using my own certificate according to the docs. I've managed to register a CA, enabled it as well as set it to auto-register. Also, created device cert & key according to the docs. When I first connect my device using the freshly generated key & cert it won't work. No sign of connection. It should publish a message to the $aws/events/certificates/registered/caCertificateID
topic. In the MQTT console I'm unable to see anything in that topic. I've also tried attaching a template according to the JIT provisioning docs, same, no luck, doesn't seem anything to be happening.
When I manually register the device cert (aws iot register-certificate --certificate-pem file://deviceCert.pem --ca-certificate-pem file://rootCA.pem
) it is then able to connect to AWS.
What is going wrong?