My company is using Azure IoT services so my question is more specific to azure IoT cloud services.
My project is about Azure sphere that sends data to Azure IoT hub and an Azure Event hub reads real time data and publishes data to the hub instances(topic), a 3rd party technology that develops dashboards, consumes the data that is produced by the event hub.
Let's assume I have 5 customer, and they have a requirement of IoT projects(I mean use cases here). Each use case is different and my project can handle their requirements. From an architecture's perspective I have to create a plan that can handle multitenant environment so that those 5 customer will see the same dashboard view but the data it contains will be of respective tenant.
Couple of things, I have thought is: Create individual IoT hub for individual tenant, and adjust units in them depending on the requirement of messages. Create a single event hub and adjust throughput units/partitions and create each hub instance(topic) for each tenant and use message route feature from IoT hub to route the message to each tenant's hub instance.
Is this a good solution, what difficulties will I face if I take the above approach?
What other architecture would you suggest for this scenario?
Like with single S3 tier IoT hub for all the tenant and same size of event hub(ofcourse adjust unit on requirements), but how could I filter the tenant specific data, so that each tenant will only see their data and not other tenant's data.