I'd like to connect a button "dimmer switch" like this one:
to the IoT. Maybe there's already such a device, I just could not find any.
The underlying idea is to set a "%" information for each of these devices, transforming it in a sort of manual sensor, and collecting it over the network.
As I am just beginning to get the concepts of IoT, my naive expectation is that this kind of sensor would exist, connected and integrated to an IoT enabled Linux based operating system, point from which I would know what to do onward. I just am completely lost about the connection between the electronics and O/S. I am willing to store in a database the % value (or "dim level"?) of several of these sensors, connected to a given network through a yet-to-determine technology and protocol. Some dashboards would then connect the database and show the information along with some analytics.
Either way, any advice on how to proceed would be great!