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5 votes

How to provisioning tens of thousands of IOT devices to connect to MQTT Server?

The cloud IoT providers all tend to use per device certificates to identify each device individually. You have 2 choices here: You flash the certificate to the device at manufacturing time. You use ...
hardillb's user avatar
  • 12.7k
2 votes

Azure Service leverage IoT solution

If you are bridging into Azure from devices and not able to run the IoT Device Client on the device you might be better off not provisioning through IoT Hub at all. If you trust the data stream or ...
Chris Schaller's user avatar
1 vote

How to authenticate a device in the IoT platform?

There is a simple way to prevent your users using your REST API from outside their RPI. It would work in the following way: You protect the file system of the RPI by a root password that is not ...
Norbert Herbert's user avatar
1 vote

How enrollment list in Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service isolate tenant specific configuration?

The answer is more or less same if you have seen this question Should there be one device provisioning service for one IoT hub if it is associated with one tenant? Yes DPS isolates tenant ...
Yatin Gaikwad's user avatar
1 vote

Should there be one device provisioning service for one IoT hub if it is associated with one tenant?

It seems a single Device Provsioning Service (DPS) instance is enough to handle this scenario. All I have to consider is the attestation mechanism, in order to identify the devices to DPS. An ...
Yatin Gaikwad's user avatar

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