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Questions tagged [esp32]

For questions regarding the programming and use of the ESP32 range of microcontrollers from Expressif Systems.

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1 answer

What protocol should I use to download large files?

I have an ESP32-based device connected to the Internet using WiFi. Sometimes it needs to download a "large" file (200-300 MB) but it does not need to store it. Instead, it needs to send it ...
Mark's user avatar
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DS3231 set time compiling to wrong date and time

I am working on a project where I need to set the alarm on a DS3231 to wake an ESP32 at a specified time. In my workflow, I upload three scripts: one to set the time on the DS3231, one to set the ...
David Wit's user avatar
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Provide free or pay updates

I developed a simple IoT device. It has a built-in HTTP webserver to set the general options of the system. Now the customer asks for "in-app" updates, that might be delivered free of charge ...
Mark's user avatar
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Nodemcu ESP32s and SPI ST7789V2 display not working

I have been trying to get a display from waveshare working with NodeMCU ESP32S. The display says 1.69inch LCD, 240 x 280 pixels, ST778V2. Searching on the internet results with article leading to ...
Rishab Kaushik's user avatar
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Where is BLE Current Time Service Data format?

I find but can not get data format. Where give me those info?
王烁然's user avatar
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ESP32 SPP Congestion after sniff mode

I'm trying to use an ESP32 to stream position data over SPP, but I keep running into congestion issues - even when I remove debug logs etc. Essentially I get a mode change event.. ...
Drewster's user avatar
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Where is the partition table on ESP8285 (Tasmota)?

Background I'd like to replace the Tasmota firmware of a WiFi Socket with my own firwmare. The TTL port of the ESP8285H16 (=ESP8266 + 2MB flash) is not accessible without braking the case and I need ...
Sim Son's user avatar
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Esp32-c3 not able to connect to home router

I have bought 2 ESP32-C3 from Waveshare and tried many tutorials on how to connect them to the home router. None of the code I used worked including the micropython example, Arduino example and not ...
Nissaba's user avatar
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How can I mitigate my energy monitor losing its accumulated totals?

I recently added a power monitor to our homelab, flashed it with ESPHome and configured some mini-graph-cards to visualise power and energy use. Everything looked good, until I started to see frequent,...
Mark Booth's user avatar
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Malformed Packet on Mosquitto

I am trying to connect to my mosquitto broker on esp32 with GSM using pubsubclient but sometimes it disconnects to broker with detail malformed packet. 2023-08-30T13:43:14: Client client_id ...
furqon2710's user avatar
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MQTT not connecting to local broker

I am really new to IoT and MQTT. For my project I want ESP32 to send data to node-red as a part of visualization requirement. I am running a broker (mosquitto) locally on my PC (Windows 11), I ...
Zak's user avatar
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Query regarding setting ESP32 eFuses for restricting USB firmware access

I am currently working on a project where I need to restrict the ability to read and write firmware through the USB interface on the ESP32. To achieve this, I have attempted to set the following ...
Hamza Abbasi's user avatar
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Multi-admins/fabrics in Matter protocol

I am a newbie Matter protocol developer. I am trying multi-admins/fabrics features. Could you please tell me how many ways to add a new admin into a node? Is the way to add without re-open the ...
IcyWater's user avatar
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Can't Connect to ESP32 in AP Mode

I'm trying to connect to an ESP32-WROOM-32 in AP mode, using the following micropython code: import network ssidAP = 'WiFi_ESP32' #Enter the router name passwordAP = '12345678' #Enter ...
Darwin von Corax's user avatar
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Universal control of ESP32

I need a help that, if exists a code, library, software which can control my ESP32 GPIO pins. ie, 1 code, connect to google home, alexa, home kit, home assistant, samsung smartthings, etc....(MATTER)
Nishith P Shetty's user avatar
2 votes
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Unable to run micropython on ESP32-WROOM

I just took delivery of a trio of ESP32-WROOM-32 dev boards and am unable to get micropython to run on them. I've successfully flashed sketches from the Arduino IDE, but after I flash the latest ...
Darwin von Corax's user avatar
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Unable to flash LilyGo 4.7 using PlatformIO

I'm trying to flash any of the official examples using PlatformIO on LilyGo-EPD47, which is ESP32-WROVER-E with eInk display. The sketch builds, but when it starts uploading I get the following error ...
Teneff's user avatar
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Failed to connect to TCP server on ESP32

I wrote a TCP client in C and a TCP server in Python. The client runs on a ESP32S2 board while the server runs on my PC (virtual Linux OS) and both the board and PC are connected to the same Wi-Fi. ...
Yiyang Yan's user avatar
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LILYGO T-Display-S3 doesn't allow to upload Arduino's sketch

I was developing my code at the LILYGO T-Display-S3 on my MacBook Air, when suddenly after I pressed the 'Upload' button, the console showed an error as below: A fatal error occurred: Failed to ...
Marcel Kopera's user avatar
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How to control the state of GPIO pins on ESP32 Camera from an external python script?

I am currently working on a project that detects specific objects in a video stream. If a particular object is detected, an alarm of some sort will be rung. An HTML page will display the object ...
Mukesh Vamsi's user avatar
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ESP8266 bin files and memory layout - why multiple bin files in ESP MCU development process

I see that as per the link, in SPI flash ROM layout table (without OTA) there are 5 bin files that are flashed to esp8266. Though there are ...
DevBee's user avatar
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Input 24v Button with esp32 (or esp8266) with esphome

I'm trying to create a panel for my pool. I've searched for electronic valves, LEDs (for valves status) and buttons (for run an automation with HomeAssistant) For the valves and LEDs I think that ...
Niks InOfTh's user avatar
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decoding data sent from an esp32 using esp-idf over serial in nodejs

I have an esp32 board loaded with this software which is logging values about the number of detected wifi and bluetooth devices detected via LoraWAN. In senddata.cpp it seems to be logging out the ...
mheavers's user avatar
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Connect esp32 hardware to mobile app (Xamarin.Forms)

I'm designing some SmartLED controller (hardware/server) which can turn on/off some LED strips and do some nice effects etc. and it works on ESP32 chip. Now, I was starting to write Xamarin.Forms ...
Stefan89BEG's user avatar
-2 votes
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Is it possible to connect an esp32 (or similar) to a "guest" WiFi network that requires logging in via a splash page?

I would like to connect an IoT device (esp32, etc.) to the guest WiFi network at the office. When I connect my own personal laptop to the guest network, it requires checking a box on a splash/welcome ...
Ramblin Wreck's user avatar
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ESP32-CAM DMA PROBLEM with upython

I'm running micropython_camera_feeeb5ea3_esp32_idf4_4.bin & the camera won't initialise if I've previously used https via urequests E (14790) cam_hal: cam_dma_config(296): DMA buffer 32768 Byte ...
Kris Mclean's user avatar
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How to import libraries with ESP-IDF for visual studio code?

What I am trying to do I have an ESP32-CAM, and I want to use Visual Studio Code, I already used the Arduino IDE at first, and it worked fine. To work with the ESP32 on VS Code I installed the ...
Gregory Boutte's user avatar
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Heltec WiFi Lora32 - Can i received LoraWAN packets?

I bought this shield and trying to receive LoraWAN packets in my surrounding. ESP32 Heltec Lora Within their SDK there is examples of receiving data for Lora, joining LoraWAN, however i am interested ...
PeeS's user avatar
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3 answers

ESP32 CAM unable to use micropython and connect to the esp

I am trying to install micropython on my esp32 cam. I tried 3 differents ways to do it. First one command and putty I installed python and esptool with pip install esptool. Then I looked wich COM was ...
Gregory Boutte's user avatar
-6 votes
2 answers

Hardware to wire ESP32 directly to 110VAC? [closed]

I'd like to fit an ESP32 directly into a single gang (North American) electrical box with enough room left over to fit a typical light switch over the top of it (these are usually pretty shallow, and ...
John O's user avatar
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Using ESP32 as a web server and Arduino

This is my first project and I'm getting my way around this. I wanted to make a simple project using Arduino creating a web server, in order to turn on and off the AC. I think I made a mistake buying ...
Itamar Nahum's user avatar
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How to minimize the calls to server to update the nodemcu pins

I have created an api which fetchs data from sql server. My Android app has buttons, on click it calls that api and posts status of pin. My node mcu hit that api for the current status of the pins. I ...
MSK's user avatar
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Is it possible to run a 12v Nema17 Stepper motor remotely with ESP32 over LORA P2P?

I'm new to this, but I have 2x ESP32 LoRa modules that I want to setup. I want to be able transmit a signal from one ESP32 LoRa module to the other ESP32 LoRa module over LoRa to run a stepper motor ...
Right Defensive's user avatar
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ESP32 UART reads garbage

Well, I have no experience with ESP32 UART, tried it and failed. In brief: I need to implement a data exchange between ESP32 and external module via UART. And at some point I need to read the data ...
BUKTOP's user avatar
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Why multiple ESP32 custom PCB on the same RS485 bus are mutually exclusive?

I have a 12V LiFP battery BMS (battery management system) connected via a RS485 RTU. I also designed box (a custom PCB which embed a ESP32 as the main CPU) that report the battery SoC (State of charge)...
Stéphane de Luca's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How to use the onboard LED on the ESP32-C3-DevKitC-02

I just bought an ESP32-C3-DevKitC-02 from Espressif, which features an onboard color LED. I'm a bit of a newbie in this space, so I thought I'd start by trying to get a simple "blink" ...
Denise Draper's user avatar
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ESP32 or ESP8266 220v button as input

As per title I'm, looking a way to detect the press of a button powered at 220v ac through a gpio pin of the ESP32. The simplest solution found seems to be an octocoupler, but are there devices that ...
Stefano's user avatar
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How to connect several sensor boxes (ESP32) via WIFI/webserver/...?

I'm intending to create some (like 5-10) boxes with sensors and/or relays inside using ESP32's. For connection to a laptop and mobile phone I found a tutorial at ESP32 WebSocket Server: Control ...
Michel Keijzers's user avatar
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Internet radio buffering question

(hopefully I'm addressing the proper community) I'm building a KaRadio32 internet radio variant. Every now and then I'm experiencing some annoying hiccups from my radio (due to my flaky internet ...
Alexei's user avatar
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Getting no value from Gravity TDS sensor (analog pin)

I'm using this ESP32 model (picture) with Expressif's DOIT ESP32 Dev 1 library for esp32. And I was trying to use Gravity TDS sensor with DFRobot Gravity library. I set my Analog pin from A1 (Arduino) ...
Marcel Kopera's user avatar
-1 votes
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Building a string (or char) array - newbie

I pretty new to this and have only been doing it for a few week. Although I have programmed in other languages my understanding of declaring the types, converting types and pointers is still pretty ...
user15837's user avatar
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MQTT disconnects from AWS when publishing a message

Please look at this sketch for ESP32. It does nothing but: connects to WiFi connects to AWS MQTT subscribes to the /get/accepted topic every 5 s publish an empty message to the /get topic to retrieve ...
Mark's user avatar
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LoRa point-to-point communication

I would like to create a point-to-point connection between a LoRa temperature sensor and a M5 Stack (ESP32) with LoRa module. However, I am a beginner with LoRa, so I have a few questions: Are all ...
Nina's user avatar
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ESP32 MQTT error

I have been trying to connect my ESP32 board to my laptop via MQTT. I have installed Mosquitto MQTT broker on my laptop but I fail to connect my ESP32 every time. This is the test code I am using to ...
P_K's user avatar
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Alternative for ESP23-WROOM-32D

A couple of months ago I designed a board with an ESP32-WROOM-32D (M113DH3200PS3Q0). Now on the Espressif product selector page they say it's not recommended for new designs! Questions: What is the ...
Mark's user avatar
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ESP32-S2 CircuitPython 5x OLED displays (I2C)

I want to use the ESP32-S2 with CircuitPython and 5x 0.96inch OLED I2C displays. It's working fine, but only with 2 displays. When I assign "i2c3" or more, I'm getting an error. When I keep ...
Pavol Bujna's user avatar
2 votes
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Google Assistant, custom command with a custom response

I'm looking for a way to reply on a custom command with a custom text in Google Assistant. E.g. "Hey Google, what's the temperature in my Living Room?" - "In your living Room you have ...
Rafael Jarosch's user avatar
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ESP32-CAM and I2C bus connection issue

I'm trying to add I2C sensors to my esp cam but it doesn't work in either way. I followed some tutorials about it and have working code but scanning the bus shows no devices. Here is the sketch: #...
smoczyna's user avatar
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ESP32 or Other as DHCP AP / Router

I have a number of IoT devices that need to be able to connect to a central device. The ideal solution would be a sort-of homegrown router that uses an ESP32 or other solution that can operate as an ...
Swivel's user avatar
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ESP32 Real Time Data Plot in TCP client

I am implementing a oscilloscope GUI to visualize the data coming from the I2S mic connected to ESP32. The data is transmitted to ESP32 over WiFi through TCP socket connection to PC client where the ...
Buddhika's user avatar