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14 votes

Safety of a smart switch on a fireplace

In my opinion, "smart switches" are a natural progression of the current switch. I assume when switch-activated fireplaces first arrived people wondered "is it safe to have a fire that is activated ...
Joel Brewer's user avatar
13 votes

Safety of a smart switch on a fireplace

There is no 'standard practice' for this sort of application to date. Simple, insecure, remote electrical switching is accepted practice - provided the switch hardware complies with the normal ...
Sean Houlihane's user avatar
12 votes

Safety of a smart switch on a fireplace

As with all smart devices it completely depends on their security level. As such you have to evaluate the security level of the specific smart switch to determine its safety level. If the smart ...
Helmar's user avatar
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9 votes

Using LP Gas Sensor in a Smart Home Safety System

Regarding the humidity and temperature there are the following specifications that should be match: Problems will start above 50 °C and 95 % humidity. But below, it should be fine. The standard ...
Bence Kaulics's user avatar
9 votes

Using LP Gas Sensor in a Smart Home Safety System

I've not used one of these sensors, but looking at the quoted sensitivity, it would be best placed as close as possible to the source of a leak, or at a low point (many flammable gasses are denser ...
Sean Houlihane's user avatar
8 votes

How could I create an LPG indicator?

The quick answer is yes, it is possible. You can add a pressure sensor and a servo-actuated valve to your gas line and sample / control them via your choice if micro-controller. You should take every ...
John's user avatar
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7 votes

Wiring regulations for self made electrical equipment (UK)

You only need to start involving qualified people for fairly major work. Minor alternations can be done yourself so long as they are done properly. What you are proposing doesn't sound like it would ...
Ben Strawson's user avatar
7 votes

European Union Regulations for Smart Plugs

Most smart plugs I have come across are Wi-Fi controlled devices. I expect the regulations would be similar to those imposed on a Wi-Fi router such as Technicolor's TG582n. RTTE Directive ...
SeanJ's user avatar
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5 votes

European Union Regulations for Smart Plugs

I would imagine the same restrictions would apply to Smart Plugs and any other electrical device equally; there does not seem to be any specific legislation that applies to IoT devices. The UK ...
Aurora0001's user avatar
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3 votes

Wiring regulations for self made electrical equipment (UK)

The regulations in the UK cover fixed wiring only, as far as I know. Replacing existing fittings is generally OK, it's only new or specific locations which are regulated. So if it plugs in, it's OK. ...
Sean Houlihane's user avatar
3 votes

Using LP Gas Sensor in a Smart Home Safety System

Another area to consider is corrosion in electrical signal paths, particularly in tropical climates close to the ocean. If the metal electrical connections are expose to the elements the conductive ...
Mahendra Gunawardena's user avatar
2 votes

Are all SonOff GPIO mains isolated?

Absolutely not. The SonOff Mini does not have a transformer power supply, and the 'switch' contacts are at half mains potential when working. This has the unfortunate side effect that if the antenna ...
Sean Houlihane's user avatar

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